University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL
Campus Master Plan

Hattemer, Hornsby & Bailey (HHB) served as the Prime A/E to develop the Central Cooling and Heating Plant Master Plan, and as a consultant to the KPS Group (Birmingham) to develop the Electrical Distribution master Plan.

Central Cooling and Heating Plant Master Plan:: HHB provided a master plan in two phases. The first phase included a detailed life cycle cost analysis for a group of 9 buildings as the east side of the main Quad. This LCCA showed favorable results for central cooling plant to serve multiple buildings. The LCCA was expanded to include new low temperature hot water heating plants co-located with the cooling plants. The second phase extrapolated these results to the entire campus, resulting in a master plan to construct three central plants (Approx 28,000 tons, 2400 boiler HP), strategically located on the campus. This included the effects of increased load from proposed future buildings, and allowed the campus master plan to include utility corridors for the cooling, heating, water and power distribution systems

Electrical Distribution Master Plan:: The University owns and maintains a 12.7 KV distribution system, a majority underground. The current system is served from three Alabama Power Company services to University owned substations, one currently overloaded. HHB developed a master plan to convert the existing radial feed system to loop feed. This included the electrical requirements for the proposed central cooling plants and future buildings.