HHB served as Mechanical Engineering consultant on a number of task orders to repair and upgrade plumbing systems at the Tuskegee VA Complex. These projects included:
Replace FCA Plumbing Deficiencies, Blgs. #65, #83 – Dept. of Veterans Affairs, CAVHCS – Tuskegee, AL
Scope: This project involved removing two steam-to-hot water converters, pumps, piping, and other abandoned equipment in the basement mechanical room which was in poor condition in Blg. #65. Also, the existing sanitary waste piping serving the main floor restrooms was removed and replaced with new. The project also included rerouting domestic hot water piping running above existing electrical panels in the Blg. #83 mechanical room. Project cost: $150,000. Construction completed: 2016
Improve FCA Findings, Plumbing Upgrades – Blgs. #3A, #4A, #68, #88 and #97 – Dept. of Veterans Affairs, CAVHCS – Tuskegee, AL
Scope: Plumbing upgrades in multiple buildings on the VA campus. Blg. #3A work involved removing old steam equipment that was no longer in service, as well as installing new floor drains, waste piping, and a sump pump in the mechanical room. In Blg. #4A, the sanitary waste piping and domestic water piping was removed and replaced in the basement crawl space and mechanical room. New electric water heaters were installed for Blg. #68, along with removing old steam equipment and replacing existing domestic water piping throughout the basement crawl space and mechanical room. Electric water heaters were removed and replaced in Blgs. #88 and #97, and new plumbing fixtures and a backwater valve were also installed in Blg. #97. Project budget: $950,000. Construction completed: 2016